The Flower of Life is a sacred geometrical figure which outlines the fundamental forms of space and time. By contemplating the basic patterns held within this figure one is contemplating the origin of all things. FOLYoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice to gain insight into our relationship with these sacred patterns of nature. I welcome yogis from Costa Rica and around the world to share their own unique insights into the scientific, philosophical, psychological, aesthetic, and mystical laws of the universe on the FOLYoga blog. If you would like to contribute please complete the contact form on the right. I look forward to hearing from you!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Let's Destigmatize Cannabis, Yogis

It's no secret that a great number of people who like to practice yoga also like to use cannabis. It is also common knowledge that a great number of respected yogis have no respect for cannabis use. I believe the time has come for both groups and everyone in the middle to destigmatize cannabis. "But I smoke and practice yoga, how am I stigmatizing cannabis?" Please allow me to explain.
 Cannabis was in the air at the Feria Verde. That's me in the black pants.
Medical Marijuana has beed doing more than making headlines. It is legally prescribed by doctors in 20 states and up for legislation in at least three more. Additionally, it has now been decriminalized in two states; which means before long cannabis use will be legal in half the United States. In Canada, Medical Marijuana is already prescribed to 37,500 patients, and Health Canada expects to see that number grow to 450,000 in the next decade. Cannabis the herb, the medicine, the drug; is now widely respected by the medical community. Isn't it time the yoga community show the same respect?

In recent news article I wrote entitled Cannabis and Yoga as Complimentary Medicines I discussed the opinion some yogis have about cannabis, in particular, practicing yoga under the influence of cannabis. While I can't say those who disagree with the combination are wrong (who am I to argue with Swami Satyananda Saraswati), I whole-heartedly believe yoga should be available to everyone. If a foam brick helps you extend your reach, if a sticky mat helps you grip the floor, if a folded blanket cushions your hip bones; I encourage you to use it. Equally with cannabis, if it makes a yoga practice possible for you when you would not be physically or mentally capable otherwise then you should have no shame in using cannabis to practice yoga.
My personal practice in my humble abode
In my personal yoga practice, cannabis has helped me in a number of ways. I suffer from chronic neck pain that is debilitating at times. I also live a relatively stressful life as a single working mother. Occasionally, before I was able to get my stress levels under control I would become so overwhelmed with stress and anxiety that I had panic attacks, I forgot about incredibly important things, and I was not able to be the parent I want to be for my daughter. Last September I was having a very stressful time at my job so to relieve some stress I went out for a jog. It was almost a great idea, except I was so out-of-my-head with stress I left my front door wide open. I'm lucky I didn't lose everything I own.

Cannabis allows the muscles in my neck and shoulders to relax enough for me to practice yoga, which can be as effective for me as a visit to the chiropractor when I'm in pain. Yoga has helped with my stress immensely, but there have been times when I could not slow my mind down enough; when my body and my heart were imprisoned by the fear of my work and financial responsibilities. I believe it was the wise sage and comedian Kat Williams who first put a name to that chemical compound in cannabis, fuckit, which I credit for allowing me to return to a mindful and spiritual yoga practice even in my most stressful times.
some neck-healing downward dog assisted by the chemical fuckit
I don't use cannabis every time I practice yoga. I don't use it daily or even weekly. Like the majority of users, I'm not addicted. For me, it is medicine. If you also use cannabis for medicinal purposes, good for you! If you use cannabis (medicinally or otherwise) and practice yoga, I would also say good for you! But if you practice (or teach) yoga and you openly smoke pot, weed, trees, herb, bud, or even marijuana, you're unwittingly contributing to the negative stigmatism of this sacred plant. I don't really care about gaining the respect of any group of people who would judge me negatively, least not yoga purists. However, I believe by changing our vocabulary and mindset we can destigmatize this sacred herb and its complimentary medicinal use with yoga, and in turn, open the minds of countless yogis as well as those who may be suffering but don't feel comfortable with the stigma attached to "smoking weed."

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